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Evolutionary Origins

From humble beginnings as a three-person operation out of a tiny office,
we now employ over a hundred employees in the USA, Canada, and Japan.
We are a Canadian company with five service locations in North America, 100% domestic (never overseas or outsourced) customer service, and 30+ years of success under our belt. Unlike our competitors, we do not purchase and re-label offshore merchandise. Our Trilium, Zero, and Tacoma models are assembled right here in Washington. We fully operate two design and manufacturing facilities, where all Evolution products are manufactured by us under our direct supervision.

We are committed to broadening our support for people with mobility impairments by continuing to refine the design of our products, increase our product range and expand our customer base.


Many of us will experience some form of mobility impairment during our lifetime, and Evolution is committed to helping us stay active and retain our autonomy by creating innovative products designed to meet the ever increasing demand for mobility aids.
With nearly a dozen North American patents, aircraft-grade materials, and state-of-the-art quality control equipment, our innovation goes beyond the hypothetical. With our practical, lightweight, and durable design, you will notice the difference.

Evolution Technologies is a pioneer in design innovation, and our design team is always discovering new ways to improve our products. We are at the forefront of research and development in the mobility aid industry, our multiple patents attesting to the ingenuity of our gifted design experts. Based on feedback from our customers and input from medical practitioners and caregivers, we are continually refining our products and updating our catalogue. Over the past 30 years, we have developed a broad range of products that complement the unique and varied lifestyles of our customers.


“Evolution Technologies is a pioneer in design innovation, and our design team is always discovering.”

“Evolution Technologies is a pioneer in design innovation, and our design.”

“Evolution Technologies is a pioneer in design innovation, and our design team is always discovering.”